The Analytical Wavelength
A podcast about chemical knowledge and data in the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and related industries brought to you by ACD/Labs. Hosts Sarah Srokosz and Jesse Harris will introduce you to a wide range of experts who are shaping the future of the chemical industry.
The Analytical Wavelength
Taking Charge of Drug Discovery: Understanding the Impact of Ionization in R&D
Season 4
Episode 6
In this episode, ACD/Labs Senior Director of Technical and Scientific Services, Karim Kassam joins hosts Jesse and Bally to dive deeper into the importance of ionization. He gives us some insight into the tools available to help accurately predict pKa along with some hints and tips to help improve accuracy in predictions.
Read more about the importance of ionization in pharmaceutical R&D in this blog post: The Importance of Ionization in Pharmaceutical R&D - ACD/Labs (acdlabs.com)
Find out how a deeper understanding of ionization can help improve chromatographic separations in this blog post: Improve Chromatographic Separations: Consider Mobile Phase pH & Analyte pKa - ACD/Labs (acdlabs.com)